Resources Tag: <span>Indonesia</span>

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Strengthening Partnerships for Lasting Impact

The video was produced as part of video competition at the GACD Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 held in Singapore. The video highlights SUNI-SEA project addressing non-communicable diseases in Southeast Asia. Improving NCD programmes, utilising technology for screening, and engaging communities were the key. Findings stress community involvement, healthcare worker training, and policy changes for lasting...


SUNI-SEA newsletter no. 10

Our project came to a successful close in June 2023, marking the end of a remarkable four-and-a-half-year journey. Throughout this time, we’ve gathered valuable insights and produced numerous publications, policy briefs, and videos, all aimed at sharing our knowledge about SUNI-SEA. In this final edition of the SUNI-SEA newsletter, we take pride in presenting the...


Creating synergy, creating changes

This video narrates the SUNI-SEA project from start to finish. It tells the story of people who have faced challenges on health issues, especially hypertension and diabetes, and what different stakeholders feel about the community-based interventions and various initiatives brought by the SUNI-SEA team in each country. The video presents the key findings, gaps and...


Simplified non-communicable diseases screening algorithm

The SUNI-SEA project aims at increasing services for NCD prevention and control in the community in Indonesia, by implementing a simplified algorithm for community-based screening. This initiative is coherent with the ongoing primary healthcare integration as a part of health systems transformation in Indonesia. In this paper, we summarise the development of the simplified screening...

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